

      Report on the 7th Research Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Extracurricular Club Activities in Kagoshima

 On December 14th 2024, the Japanese Association for the Study of Extracurricular Club Activities held its seventh research meeting in Kagoshima City. The theme, "How the protagonists of extracurricular activities feel—The thoughts of students through the transition to a community-based approach”, featured three high school students and four middle school students presenting their opinions on the evolving landscape of extracurricular activities.

 The meeting began with a keynote lecture by Professor Tomoaki Seki of Kanoya University, titled "Extracurricular Club Activities and Postmodernism—Grand Narratives and What Comes Next", which detailed the chronology of organized club activities. According to Professor Seki, the “grand narrative” of extracurricular activities is at a turning point: club activities, traditionally organized as extracurriculars by school faculty, are transitioning to an organization driven by the participants and community. He added that this transition was triggered by some teachers who exposed the unspoken dark side of traditional extracurricular activities. While the reluctance of teachers to supervise activities provided the initial momentum, he emphasized the importance of ensuring students' rights to express their opinions on matters affecting them by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

 Middle and high school students shared the following thoughts as the “protagonists” of extracurricular activities:

 "Connecting with the future generations": A call for collaboration across Kagoshima Prefecture to pass the baton to the next generation.

 "Aiming higher, with gratitude to our coaches and parents", and “Growing as people through basketball: Expressing thanks and reciprocating the support received, particularly from non-faculty coaches offering guidance. 

 "Making extracurricular activities fun with friends I have met!": Aiming to enrich club activities and create an environment that is sustainable for underclassmen.

  "It is fun playing baseball with many teammates!" and "I want more enriching practices, but our small numbers make it difficult…": Showing the benefits and challenges of forming joint teams. He proposed longer trial sessions to attract more members and joint practices with adults.

 "Let's Enjoy Music": She expressed the benefits of having a teacher-coach, enabling students to seek guidance and share concerns.

 All the presentations included insights into the burdens teachers and non-teacher coaches faced, such as their significant time commitment and lack of monetary compensation. Concerns were raised about the increased parental responsibilities for transportation and the rising costs of club fees associated with the transition to community-based activities.

 It was the first time our research meeting invited middle and high school students, but their opinions were highly valuable, providing participants with an important opportunity to further advance their studies on extracurricular activities. 

Summary Report .pdf
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 「熱い鼓動 風は南から」世界有数の活火山である桜島や明治維新を成し遂げた偉人に象徴される熱く情熱的な鹿児島の地で議論したことが、南の風に乗って全国に広がることを望みます。

【主 催】日本部活動学会

【後 援】鹿児島県教育委員会、鹿児島市教育委員会、鹿屋市教育委員会

【日 時】2024(令和6)年12月14日(土)13:30~16:30 (13:00受付開始)

【会 場】ホテルタイセイアネックス 4階ホール

     〒890-0053 鹿児島市中央町4-32 鹿児島中央駅東口より徒歩3分







【参 加 費】


     非会員(一般)…2,000円 、非会員(学生)…500円

    〈情報交換会費: 6,000円(当日、現地で集金します)〉













第7回 研究集会.pdf
PDFファイル 509.1 KB